

Name: Steven Paul Jobs

Born: February 24, 1955

Died: October 5, 2011

Allegiance: (1) United States of America

           (2) Republic of Biafra

Name: Steven Paul Jobs
Born: February 24, 1955
Died: October 5, 2011
Allegiance: (1) United States of America (2) Republic of Biafra

Steve Jobs: Co-founder of the Apple computer brand was so profoundly affected by the suffering of starving Biafran children that he renounced Christianity because of that epiphany. In the late 1960s, while working at Atari, he became aware of the severe humanitarian crisis resulting from the Biafran Civil War (1967–1970), which led to widespread famine and suffering, particularly among children. The extensive media coverage of the conflict, along with the efforts of organizations like UNICEF and the Catholic Relief Services, highlighted the dire situation in Biafra and deeply impacted him.

Moved by the plight of those affected, Jobs reportedly volunteered to help raise funds for relief efforts. While his direct involvement in humanitarian activities related to the Biafran War was limited, this experience helped shape his worldview and commitment to social responsibility. Jobs’s connection to the conflict illustrates how the Biafran War resonated with individuals in various fields, inspiring compassion and a desire to contribute to alleviating human suffering.

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